Boost your grid by 30%.

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Live view of global transmission capacity

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We'll help you implement sensorless Dynamic Line Ratings.

Fastest way to affordable power

Let the lowest cost power flow

With enough transmission capacity we would always enjoy the lowest cost power generation. Data centres, industry and new power plants could connect to the grid without having to wait ten years for grid upgrades. Zero marginal cost solar and wind would not be wasted due to congestion. Power prices are high when there is not enough grid capacity.

Building a new high-voltage line takes 10 years on average.

The slow pace of building new power lines is the biggest obstacle on the path towards energy abundance. But the existing grid is not yet used to its maximum potential.

Maximize your existing grid

Your existing grid can handle 30% more power  with GridRaven's fully sensorless Dynamic Line Ratings. We are ready to help you do so right away. Fast-track the connection of new generation, reduce curtailment, sell more power and bring down the cost of energy.

The grid needs an upgrade

Grids are under increasing stress due to the growing demand for power around the world.

Electricity demand is growing

Grids are under increasing stress due to the growing demand for power around the world.

Solar and wind are growing exponentially

The best resources for solar and wind are often located far away from centres of demand with weak existing grids. Transporting this zero marginal cost power to consumers requires a massive grid build-out.

The global power grid must double in length by 2040.

The acceleration in the pace of building the grid is unprecedented. The quickest way to add capacity is to maximize existing lines.

3000 GW of power generation is waiting for a grid connection

The grid already cannot handle new connection requests from industry, data centres, batteries, EV chargers or solar and wind generators. The lack of transmission capacity is now the biggest obstacle to affordable power prices.

The existing grid can handle 30% more

High-voltage transmission lines are extremely sensitive to the weather and especially wind. A light wind doubles the capacity of an overhead line. Grid capacity can safely be increased by one third by properly accounting with the conditions along power lines.

3× less risk of wilfires

Avoid the risk of overheating of power lines

Your grid is probably not operated safely during hot, windless hours, especially on parts of your network that are sheltered from the wind by trees, buildings or hills. Such lines are at risk of overheating and can become damaged or even spark wildfires.

Operate with confidence

GridRaven ensures the actual limits of your grid are always maintained, in every section of every line. Most of the time you'll gain additional capacity, but sometimes capacity should be reduced. We ensure there are no safety violations anywhere in your network. We give you peace of mind.

We are ready when you are

Fast forward your grid capacity by a decade


More capacity

Maximize your existing grid without additional hardware.



The most accurate ratings with tuneable confidence intervals.

1 m


Account with every tree, building and hill.



Always on under any weather conditions.



Identify all critical spans under all conditions.



Implement accurate ratings at your own pace.

Say no to hardware.
The future is here.

Fully sensorless Dynamic Line Ratings

Ensure clearance limits are maintained

Always maintain safety

Account with actual temperature and clearance limits.

Account with actual temperature and clearance limits.

Avoid overheating

Reduce line ratings in hot, windless hours to ensure safety

Traditional static ratings are overly generous around 3% of the time, in hot, windless hours. Accurate ratings help reduce the risk of damage to the grid.

Account with clearance

Determine clearance from the ground and objects in each span

Possible clearance violations reduce the maximum operating temperature of a span. GridRaven Claw ensures clearance limits are maintained.

Proven methods

Ratings are calculated based on IEEE and CIGRE standards

Line rating calculation methods have known limitations. GridRaven relies on and improves the existing methods.

Accurate ratings behind every tree, building and hill

Operate with confidence

Downscaling Numerical Weather Predictions based on Digital Elevation Models from satellite and LiDAR scans.

Downscaling Numerical Weather Predictions based on Digital Elevation Models from satellite and LiDAR scans.

Cover every span

Wind forecasts close to the ground in sheltered areas

By accounting with the detailed landscape around every span of every power line, GridRaven Claw can cover power lines at any voltage level in all types of terrain.

10 day horizon

Forecast grid capacity in sufficient time for operational planning

Ambient temperature and solar irradiation can be forecasted up to 10 days ahead. Wind speed and direction can be predicted at least 72 hours ahead.

Highest accuracy

Wind forecasts with 50% increase in accuracy over the best NWP

Our weather models are trained on tens of thousands of weather stations. Our predictions are 50% more accurate for wind speed prediction than available weather forecasts.

Sensorless Dynamic Line Ratings

Cover all lines and spans

GridRaven Claw is available globally, with hyper-local precision.

GridRaven Claw is available globally, with hyper-local precision.


Forecast ratings with precision in all geographies

Optimize transmission capacity with span-level precision at all voltage levels, from urban areas to challenging terrains such as hills and forests.


Determine the conditions in all spans under all weather conditions

Ensure that operators can reliably assess line conditions under any weather scenario, enhancing both grid capacity and safety


Globally applicable with no hardware needed

Implement Dynamic Line Ratings across entire power grids, regardless of location or size. Straightforward API integration with your SCADA/EMS

Seeing is believing.
Explore the grid now.

See the impact of Sensorless DLR on your grid in real time

The Science

Dynamic Line Rating using Hyper-local Weather Predictions

Your grid is probably not operated safely during hot, windless hours, especially on parts of your network that are sheltered from the wind by trees, buildings or hills. Seasonal ratings can overestimate transmission capacity by 40%. Such lines can become damaged or even spark wildfires.

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