Gridraven Expands to the United States and Secures €4 Million Funding
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The world's largest provider of Dynamic Line Ratings

Built by industry insiders

Gridraven’s journey began when we noticed energy providers worldwide struggling to secure grid connections. The grid is already full. It takes a decade on average to build a new high-voltage line, so generators and industry are told to wait five or ten years before they can connect. This is slowing down growth. But at the same time, we knew that the existing grid is not yet maxed out.


At Gridraven, our mission is to unlock the hidden capacity of power grids. Economic growth depends on access to energy, but grid infrastructure remains one of the biggest bottlenecks. Our mission is to accelerate growth by maximizing the grid.

The untapped potential

Transmission and distribution lines are capable of carrying up to four times more power under cold or windy conditions. But up until now the only way to tap into this potential is by installing specialised hardware and sensors. Our extremely detailed weather forecasts change that and unlock one third more grid capacity over the course of a year with zero additional hardware.

Industry insiders

The Gridraven core team comes from the grid operator world and combines decades of transmission and distribution experience with world-leading machine learning expertise. Gridraven's technology is built in-house.


Unlike traditional approaches, Gridraven offers zero hardware implementation, making it quick to deploy and scale. Scaling quickly is the only way to boost growth, while new power lines are being built.

We can do it today.

Our team brings decades of expertise in power systems, machine learning, and entrepreneurship. At Gridraven, we’re ready to help maximize the existing grid and boost economic growth globally.