Gridraven Expands to the United States and Secures €4 Million Funding
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Make higher profits

Operate safely and efficiently with a stronger grid

Operate safely

Monitoring and forecasting of line conditions helps you identify potential risks such as overheating and take timely remedial actions.

Reduce wildfire risk

Conductor overheating and excessive sag can lead to wildfires. Reduce wildfire risk from flashovers by three times by going from seasonal ratings that are maintained 97% of the time to dynamic ratings that are correct 99% of the time.

Expand options during outages

Your grid can be constrained during planned or unplanned outages. Higher thermal limits on overhead lines expand the suite of options available to you at these times, allowing you to make more economical choices.

Earn more money

More grid capacity means more grid fees and connecting new customers faster.

Earn more grid fees

If your customers pay you to put their energy into your network, then you will earn more money thanks to higher grid capacity from generation that would otherwise be turned off because of grid congestion.

Connect more production

DLR can make the flexible grid connection option viable for new generators. Instead of waiting behind grid upgrades, your customers can connect immediately if they contractually agree to curtailment when the grid is congested. DLR reduces this curtailment, especially for wind generators.

Connect more consumption

Consumers pay you money for accessing the grid, but connecting new consumers to the grid may require time-consuming grid upgrades. DLR can increase grid capacity 80% to 90% of the time. Together with backup generation or on-site storage, this can allow connecting new consumers to the grid immediately and increasing your revenue.

Reduce operating costs

Alleviate bottlenecks and reduce redispatch and countertrade costs.

Reduce congestion

DLR reduces the occurrence of congestion. Further, higher thermal limits on overhead lines increase options available to you to deal with congestion if it does occur, helping you reduce redispatch and countertrade costs.

Increase access to reserve power

Stronger interconnections between regions allow you to access cheaper reserve capacity from your neighbouring network, reducing reserve costs.

The grid needs an upgrade

Grids are under increasing stress due to the growing demand for power around the world.

Electricity demand is growing

Grids are under increasing stress due to the growing demand for power around the world.

Solar and wind are growing exponentially

The best resources for solar and wind are often located far away from centres of demand with weak existing grids. Transporting this zero marginal cost power to consumers requires a massive grid build-out.

The global power grid must double in length by 2040.

The acceleration in the pace of building the grid is unprecedented. The quickest way to add capacity is to maximize existing lines.

3000 GW of power generation is waiting for a grid connection

The grid already cannot handle new connection requests from industry, data centres, batteries, EV chargers or solar and wind generators. The lack of transmission capacity is now the biggest obstacle to affordable power prices.

The existing grid can handle 30% more

High-voltage transmission lines are extremely sensitive to the weather and especially wind. A light wind doubles the capacity of an overhead line. Grid capacity can safely be increased by one third by properly accounting with the conditions along power lines.