Gridraven Expands to the United States and Secures €4 Million Funding
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Unleash load growth

Boost your grid by 30% right now at zero cost

Congestion in your grid is slowing down growth. Power generation and large loads can be built faster than new power lines. But there's unused capacity in your existing lines.

Sell more electricity

Connect more load and generation with 30% more grid capacity, and unleash growth right away.

Make more money

You'll earn more money from the additional transmission and distribution fees paid for by the new loads.

Success fee only

We charge a success fee of 10% on the extra transmission and distribution revenue you make thanks to the additional capacity from our service.

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Dynamic Line Ratings

Ambient Adjusted Ratings

Hyper-local weather

Line ratings

Ampacity of the line

Account with every span

Scalable to full networks

Configurable confidence intervals

72 hour forecast

10-day forecast

Weather forecast

Wind speed forecast

Wind angle forecast

Wind confidence intervals

Temperature forecast

Temperature confidence intervals

Solar irradiation

Cloudiness forecast

Cloudiness confidence intervals


Rest API

Web user interface

On-premises support


Other interface or API


Integration partners


Safety assessment

Clearance assessment

Sag analysis

Determining the maximum operating temperature in each span

Pricing depends on details
Book a demo

Want to give it a try first?

Get started with GridRaven Claw for just $8,900 per year, covering one overhead line up to 50 miles long.

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