Gridraven Expands to the United States and Secures €4 Million Funding
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Sell more power

A strong grid can take more of your power

Access a bigger market

DLR increases the capacity of transmission lines and strengthens interconnections between regions.

Stronger interconnections

With more grid capacity your production can reach high-demand areas, helping you sell to consumers at higher prices and volumes.

Reduced volatility

Improve your revenue predictability and ensure consistent sales volumes on a larger market. Further, with less grid congestion and curtailment, you gain greater confidence in your ability to meet power delivery commitments.

Keep your power plants turned on

A stronger grid has less curtailment.

Sell more power at peak prices

High power prices can occur in peak hours in which the grid is congested. DLR helps increase grid capacity in these moments, allowing you to continue generating power and making large profits.

Avoid unexpected technical curtailment

Curtailment can occur at any time due to technical issues in the grid. With DLR the grid has more capacity and thus the amount of curtailment is reduced. This helps you keep your power plants operating.

Connect new units faster

With DLR you don't need wait for time consuming grid upgrades and can connect flexibly right away.

Maximize your flexible connection

DLR helps make the most of flexible connection agreements by reducing the number of hours of curtailment per year.

Bring more wind generation onto the grid

Onshore wind is especially well suited to benefit from DLR. The same wind that spins your turbines also cools down the transmission lines that bring your power to your customers. More capacity in the grid allows you to expand your new or existing wind farms.

Reduce imbalance costs

Accurate congestion data helps traders make smarter bidding and hedging strategies.

Predict prices

With timely congestion insights you can better align your bids with market demand, ensuring efficient energy dispatch, reducing imbalances and making higher profits.

Reduce unexpected volatility

Accurate knowledge of grid conditions minimizes the risk of unexpected price spikes or penalties due to congestion, improving portfolio management.

The grid needs an upgrade

Grids are under increasing stress due to the growing demand for power around the world.

Electricity demand is growing

Grids are under increasing stress due to the growing demand for power around the world.

Solar and wind are growing exponentially

The best resources for solar and wind are often located far away from centres of demand with weak existing grids. Transporting this zero marginal cost power to consumers requires a massive grid build-out.

The global power grid must double in length by 2040.

The acceleration in the pace of building the grid is unprecedented. The quickest way to add capacity is to maximize existing lines.

3000 GW of power generation is waiting for a grid connection

The grid already cannot handle new connection requests from industry, data centres, batteries, EV chargers or solar and wind generators. The lack of transmission capacity is now the biggest obstacle to affordable power prices.

The existing grid can handle 30% more

High-voltage transmission lines are extremely sensitive to the weather and especially wind. A light wind doubles the capacity of an overhead line. Grid capacity can safely be increased by one third by properly accounting with the conditions along power lines.