Welcome to Mari and Ingvar, the newest members on our team!

We are happy to welcome Mari and Ingvar to the team! Mari joins as our Senior Power Systems Expert and Ingvar joins as a Data Scientist.

Georg Rute

The Grid Raven Team is happy to announce that we have added two new members.

Mari Löper has joined in the role of Senior Power Systems Expert. Mari previously worked as a researcher at the Tallinn University of Technology in the power systems group and is currently completing her PhD. Before that she worked for Elering, the Estonian transmission system operator, where she was a power system analyst in the operational planning department and participated in ENTSO-E working groups as well as the European project MIGRATE (Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices).

Ingvar Lukas has joined in the role of Data Scientist. As an avid wind- and kitesurfer, Ingvar connects his passion for meteorology with data science. He previously worked with meteorological and oceanographic sensors, modelling and data at TechWorks Marine and has developed power demand forecasting methods at Estonia’s largest utility, Eesti Energia. Ingvar holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Physical Oceanography and Climate from the University of Southampton.

Join us in welcoming them and check back soon for more additions to our technology team!