Hyper-local weather

Accurate ratings behind every tree, building and hill

Operate with confidence
Downscaling Numerical Weather Predictions based on Digital Elevation Models from satellite and LiDAR scans.

Cover every span

Wind forecasts close to the ground in sheltered areas
By accounting with the detailed landscape around every span of every power line, GridRaven Claw can cover power lines at any voltage level in all types of terrain.

10 day horizon

Forecast grid capacity in sufficient time for operational planning
Ambient temperature and solar irradiation can be forecasted up to 10 days ahead. Wind speed and direction can be predicted at least 72 hours ahead.

Highest accuracy

Wind forecasts with 50% increase in accuracy over the best NWP
Our weather models are trained on tens of thousands of weather stations. Our predictions are 50% more accurate for wind speed prediction than available weather forecasts.

Affordable Energy

Accurate ratings including hyper-local AI wind forecasts, for one line up to 100 miles long.

Affordable Energy

Accurate ratings including hyper-local AI wind forecasts, for one line up to 100 miles long.

Affordable Energy

Accurate ratings including hyper-local AI wind forecasts, for one line up to 100 miles long.

Dynamic Line Ratings

Ambient Adjusted Ratings

Hyper-local weather

Line ratings

Ampacity of the line

Ampacity of each span

Weather forecast

Wind speed forecast

Wind angle forecast

Wind confidence intervals

Temperature forecast

Temperature confidence intervals

Solar irradiation

Cloudiness forecast

Cloudiness confidence intervals


Rest API

Web user interface

On-premises support


Other interface or API


Integration partners


Safety assessment

Clearance assessment

Sag analysis

Determining the maximum operating temperature in each span

Pricing depends on details
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